In our interconnected world, urgent attention and collaborative action are required to address a complex web of global challenges. These challenges include climate change, global poverty, post-pandemic economic slowdown, corruption, democratic deficit, artificial intelligence, technological disruptions, and geopolitical conflicts. These issues are intricately interplayed, making their solutions multifaceted and interdependent. To explore and discuss these challenges within the context of social and political sciences, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University, is organizing the World Conference on Governance and Social Sciences (WCGSS) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, on 8-9 July 2023. This conference calls on scholars, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to identify sustainable development solutions for our rapidly evolving world.
Call for Paper
“Navigating the Nexus of Global Challenges: Climate Crisis, Humanizing Technology, and Social-Political Dynamics”
- Green technology
- Society and AI
- Digital transformation
- Disaster management
- Climate change & crisis
- Populism and democracy
- Conflict and social reconciliation
- Local ethnic and global recognition
- Migration and international security
- Global and regional political economy
- Terrorism and violent extremism
- Sustainable development
- Indigenous governance
- Public governance

Conference Schedule
Time |
Agenda |
Day 1 - Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 |
07.00-08.00 |
Participant Registration |
08:00 – 08:45 |
Opening Ceremony |
08:45 – 10:00 |
Plenary Session 1: Keynote Speaker Address |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Coffee Breaks |
10:30 – 12:00 |
Panel Session 1 |
12:00 – 13.00 |
Break and Lunch |
13:00 – 15:00 |
Panel Session 2 |
15:00 – 16:00 |
Break |
16:00 – 18.00 |
Plenary Session 2: Invited Speakers Address |
Day 2 - Thursday, November 9th, 2023 |
08:00 – 09:30 |
Panel Session 3 |
10:00 – 12:00 |
Panel Session 4 |
12:00 – 13:00 |
Break and Lunch |
13:00 – 15:00 |
Plenary Session 3: Invited Speakers Address |
15:00 – 16:00 |
Break |
16:00 – 18.00 |
Closing Ceremony |
Keynote Speaker
Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Sulfikar Amir, Ph.D
Prof. Sulfikar Amir, Ph.D
Professor of Science, Technology, and Society Sociology Programme, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore
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Invited Speakers

Dr. Xinrong Ma
Dr. Xinrong Ma
Department of Political Science School of Government, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
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Prof. Dr. Kyunghee Choi
Prof. Dr. Kyunghee Choi
KH Research Professors Seoul National University Asia Center, Seoul, South Korea
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Assoc. Prof. Matt MacDonald
Assoc. Prof. Matt MacDonald
School of Political Science and International Studies Faculty of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia
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Dr. Phil. Nor Azura Binti A. Rahman, MA.
Dr. phil. Azura Rahman, MA.
UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies School of International Studies, Malaysia
View DetailsImportant Dates
Call for paper period & registration
24 July - 24 September 2023
Paper summary submission deadline
24 September 2023
Announcement of all qualified paper summary
30 September 2023
Full paper submission deadline
15 Oktober 2023
Conference payment deadline
15 Oktober 2023
Presentation file submission deadline
5 November 2023
Conference day
8-9 November 2023
Full paper revision submission deadline
30 November 2023
Editorial board decision of full paper revision submission
1 - 30 December 2023
Proceeding publication production by publisher
January - July 2024
Proceeding Publishers
The WCGSS 2023 is set to generate two types of proceeding outputs. These will include a paper summary proceeding book published by Unhas Press and an online full paper proceeding published by Atlantis Press under the series “Advances in Social Science, Education, and Humanities Research” (indexed by Web of Science (WoS)). The paper summary proceeding book will be distributed on the conference day, while the online full paper proceeding will be provided to all WCGSS 2023 authors after the conference day.
Contact Us
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245, Indonesia
Principal Contact
Andi Batara Al Isra, S.Sos., MA.
Phone: +62 813 19568377
Support Contact
Karisma Nurul Izzah
Phone: +62 821-8915-6867